THERION-On the way to Jamaica !

Ready for the cruise !


On january 22nd, we went to enter the big ship ”Liberty Of The Seas” to go on the 70.000 Tons Of Metal cruise !
Two years ago when we went on the cruise from here to Cayman Island we were on the ship ”Majesty Of The Seas”. This one is even bigger and has a bit more of ”luxury style” inside.

Johan & Me before leaving from Miami

Mine and Johans cabin is really nice with a balcony and two big beds.
The food is really good and everything is for free for us to just go and have some almost whenever you want at the breakfast-, lunch- and dinner buffé. Even at the pizzerias everything is for free (for us who are playing) ! The only thing we have to pay for is the sodas, alcohol and of course if you wanna buy souveniers or something else on the boat. – But I don´t drink, so I decided to use my 100 dollars we got on our cruise-card for the Internet access !!! 😀 What is life really without it !!??? 😀


We had a signing-session which never seemed to end. There were so many fans standing in line to have their albums, cd:s etc signed. After that we also had a photosession with fans.
Later on we had a pressconference, but as usual there´s no idea for all of us to be there, so Christofer did it with some of the others (I think)

So far I´ve watched D.A.D. Crucified Barbara, Cannibal Corpse and Michael Schenker.
I would very much liked to watch Behemoth ! But they started to play at 01:00 am – and I´m not able to keep my eyes open that late ! 😀 Because I´m a bit f*cked up by the jetlag and also because I´ve always been a ”morning man” I went to bed already at 08:30 pm !!! – I must be the worst ”party guy” ever !!! 😀 But I´m really really comfortable with everything that is. I feel so great to just take it easy and relax, just enjoying my time here. This is my time-out !! 🙂 I had such a busy time the last two weeks before we left…….

The first gig in the Platinum Theatre January 22nd, 2015

Today I will check out a couple of songs I´m gonna play here tomorrow, sunday !
It´s gonna be a surprise to many I think !
I´m really looking forward to it !!



12 År Fri Från Alkohol

  Är alkohol ”en mänsklig rättighet” ? En god vän till mej sa att ”alkoholen är väldigt demokratisk” Det märkte jag väldigt väl när jag klev in på ett AA-möte för första gången: Där fanns det folk från alla samhällsgrupper. Från 18-åringar upp till dom som säkerligen var 80 ! Ingen slipper undan alkoholens demokrati

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AB/CD – Historia och nytt album 2023 !

Idén till AB/CD kom upp i slutet av 1983 ! Att sätta ihop ett band som endast skulle spela AC/DC covers. Vid den tidpunkten så fanns inte ens (så vitt vi vet) benämningen ”tribute-band”. Förmodligen var vi först i Sverige (?) Och kanske först i hela världen (?) – Allt skedde naturligt efter vi börjat

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10 År utan alkohol !

I samma stund som jag tog första steget ut från Capio Maria, Stockholm den 2:a Februari 2011 så föll den slutgiltiga poletten ner……. Det var inte en tanke, utan mer som någon slags uppenbarelse som bara ”slog till” och plötsligt så visste jag: ”Det är slut nu” – ”Jag kommer aldrig mer att dricka alkohol igen”.

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